Make a Decision Monday: Introduction

Afternoon! This is a late post – and it will be a quick post. I am going to be quite candid as well… because not all of the time can things be “easy” nor will everything “work” per-say.

I have spoken plenty of my practically over-supportive husband (Not sure how that makes sense… but I mean it, there are times I have to tell him to tell me no); and here I am, talking about him again. He is the spark plugs in my engine, because he assists in keeping the fuel going when I just want to sputter out.

Current baby quilt set – Vintage Pink Rose theme

I was talking to my husband this past weekend and sharing with him the responses and disappointment I had in the charm quilt swap that I am all jazzed about and still determined to do it, even if it doesn’t get completed until next year when I try the swap again. I expressed other concerns also and that while I may be heavy into quilting, that I was unsure that blogging was the direction to go for me; and if so, how far did I want to take it or ‘promote’ it? I told Michael about Crazy Mom Quilts – Finish it Fridays, Freshly Pieced – WIP Wednesdays and now from Polka Dot Chair – Selfish Sewing Sundays. He heard it all… from how much I wish I could join in on it and become a part of it, all the way to “I just wish I had more time!”.

I really love how MSQ neatly packages everything

My husband is always telling me to ‘make a decision’. So while silence stepped in for a few moments during our conversation, he looked at me and said, “Made a Decision Monday”. We have this weird connection that when the light bulb goes off, it tends to go off for both of us then once the initial idea is uttered out. I almost instantly admitted that it was a great idea, but scared of the commitment I still had to put towards it. He asked me a few times again yesterday about doing something and I believe he was no longer giving me a choice but informing me that this is what I would be doing.

Sew Simple and Elegant

My problem is that while I love quilting, I also love reading about quilts, staring at pictures of quilts, finding new patterns, new designs, new quilter friends… all of the above! I really do in all sincerity have TOO many WIPs, I have spoken of these before in my blog. I can’t wait to have them narrowed down once I finish quilting them. With so many WIPs, when I think about starting up on something I sometimes panic because I have too many options (I feel so weird admitting I have too much, it is almost foreign) and therefore I feel less and less gets done.

A little something extra I ordered on sale for $2.95!

So, I took up my husbands idea and said I’ll go for it and introduce it and begin. This week will be simple, as I do have a commissioned Vintage Pink Rose baby quilt set to make and send off in just 3 weeks (I spoke about it here). This might be it for those next few weeks… but maybe I’ll just sneak something small in.

All in all, the concept is each week (Monday) it is a fresh start of the week and a fresh start of what to work on for the week. I welcome anyone to join in (even if you do stray away)… the point is to try and focus on one specific project that week, not that you have to abandon everything else. This will hopefully help me (and you too) to continue getting something done when things can be overwhelming with life getting in the way: kids, animals, husbands, and too many fabric decisions sometimes keep us from completing what we set out to do!

Hope to see you around for more Make a Decision Monday!

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